Classic Cooling Limited has been supplying the building services industry with air handling plant for nearly twenty years and, during that time, has built a reputation for quality equipment and service.

The manufacturing facility in Liverpool has been a joint venture with its sister company Air Handling Equipment Ltd, and that facility is ongoing.

Due to the retirement of senior staff, Classic Cooling Limited will cease trading on 31st October 2011, and all existing contractual responsibilities and future works and issues, will be transfered to, and handled by Air Handling Equipment Ltd from that date.

The Directors of Classic Cooling Limited would like to thank all past customers and clients for their loyalty and contribution to the company's success, and wish them good luck in the future.

For continuity of product and service, please call Phil Groom, Dave Barton or Ian Page at AHE, who will be delighted to assist.

Air Handling Equipment Ltd
23 Cotton Street
L3 7DY

Tel: 0151 236 3923
Fax: 0151 236 2910